“I made a great deal of health progress.”

Patient report: Stroke


``The whole team at the clinic was very professional and welcomed me a lot.``

Stroke is not a unique disease; the generic term “stroke”, also called apoplexy or brain insult, is used for a multitude of diseases that occur due to different causes and, thus, require different therapies. Depending on the cause, doctors speak more precisely of a “cerebral infarction” if the stroke was caused by a lack of blood supply to the brain or of a “cerebral haemorrhage” if it was caused by blood leaking into the brain tissue. Almost 270.000 strokes occur in Germany every year, about 200.000 of which are first-time strokes.

My name is Anthony, and I’m from London, United Kingdom.

I was in Germany, and during my stay there, I suffered a stroke. The hospital’s medical team in Berlin recommended that I go for my rehabilitation at the Kliniken Schmieder. Before that, I didn`t know the clinic or the name of it.

My first interactions with the Kliniken Schmieder team were very professional and friendly. But when I arrived at Kliniken Schmieder in Allensbach, I felt a bit disoriented and lost because the German neurological rehabilitation clinic was totally different from the UK clinics. The whole team at Kliniken Schmieder welcomed me a lot, which was a big help for me and my recovery process. Especially the doctors, therapists and treating staff were friendly, efficient and competent.

I am very satisfied with the treatment and the results, although there could be more programmes on the weekend. I made a great deal of progress at Kliniken Schmieder. I would recommend Kliniken Schmieder and its effective and competent treatment to other patients who have had a stroke and are searching for one of the best neurological rehabilitation clinics in Germany.