Neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain is a type of pain that occurs when the peripheral or central nervous system is damaged. So, physiological pain creates unpleasant sensations in response to mechanical, chemical, or thermal stimuli. With episodic pain, sensations are manifested by acute burning, numbness of the affected area, and other unpleasant, pronounced symptoms. This type of pain is often chronic, manifesting on an ongoing basis or in episodes.

Given the mechanisms of development of the pathological condition, this type of pain is divided into several types:

  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • central origin;
  • mixed genesis.

About 8-10% of people on the planet suffer from this type of pain, half of which have a severe course. Treatment success provides an integrated approach, considering the etiological factor, rehabilitation techniques, and correction of individual psycho-emotional disorders that occur against the background of neuropathic pain.

The reasons

The leading cause of neuropathic pain is nerve damage that occurs under several factors. The most common and likely etiological factors include:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • acute violation of cerebral circulation (stroke);
  • diabetes;
  • herpesvirus infection;
  • neuroAIDS (syndromes and pathologies of the nervous system caused by HIV infection);
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • toxic substances;
  • immunity disorders
  • mechanical damage to the nerve trunks;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • oncological processes;
  • treatment with cytostatics, radiation therapy;
  • nerve damage due to surgery.


Most patients suffer from chronic neuropathic pain, which significantly impairs the quality of human life. The main clinical sign of these disorders is the phenomenon of allodynia, which implies the occurrence of pain in response to an irritant that previously did not cause pain and is not capable of driving it in healthy people. In this case, even light touches can cause pain and discomfort to a person with neuralgia.

If we talk about the most characteristic symptoms of these disorders, they include:

  • prolonged nature of pain;
  • the absence of a cause in the form of traumatic injury, inflammation, or reduced blood supply;
  • decreased sensitivity in response to taking analgesics;
  • a localized pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve;
  • poor sleep and well-being at night;
  • a combination of pain with vegetative disorders (impaired blood circulation, impaired sweating, etc.);
  • the presence of motor disorders (walking, daily activities);
  • anxiety, depression;
  • worsening mood.


The basis of therapy is an integrated approach. However, it is important to determine the cause of neuropathic pain before starting treatment, which will help develop an optimal treatment plan. In some cases, surgery may be necessary, for example, with traumatic lesions of the peripheral nerves.

In addition, great importance is given to psychological factors, which is why patients with neuralgia are prescribed psychotherapy to reduce anxiety and depression.

Some of the most effective and relevant therapies include:

  • pharmacotherapy (antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, opioid analgesics);
  • nerve block (injection of an anesthetic into the area of ​​the affected nerve);
  • radiofrequency ablation of nerves;
  • electromyostimulation (electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles).


Rehabilitation measures are of primary importance in neuropathic pain. A well-chosen program and a multidisciplinary approach of a team of highly specialized specialists provide excellent results and, in most cases, help to completely get rid of the problem.

On the basis of the Kliniken Schmieder, the leading specialists are engaged in rehabilitating patients with neuropathic pain – rehabilitation specialists, ergo therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, and physiotherapists.

Rehabilitation programs are developed on an individual basis and include:

  • Working with a psychologist or psychotherapist is the basis of the recovery program. The specialist teaches the patient to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that arise in anticipation or directly with pain. Psychotherapy helps eliminate negative thoughts, anxiety, and depression to regain control over your thoughts. Various methods are used – cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, rational psychotherapy (Paul Dubois method, treatment by clarification and persuasion), reconstructive, somatic-oriented, etc.
  • Exercise therapy and massage – these methods are aimed at improving blood circulation, often in areas of affected nerves, tissue nutrition, and improving overall physical and mental health.
  • UHF therapy – promotes the regeneration of nervous tissue, improves its conductivity, and normalizes muscle tone and blood flow. A High-frequency electromagnetic field contributes to restoring the damaged area of ​​the peripheral nerve and normalizes mental activity.
  • Acupuncture helps reduce muscle tone, restores vegetative-trophic functions, improves the patient’s well-being, and, in combination with other rehabilitation measures, relieves pain.
  • Breathing exercises are a unique method of healing the whole body. With the help of properly selected exercises, a person can relax, get rid of anxious and restless thoughts, and improve night sleep.

It is important to understand that the rehabilitation program is developed individually for each patient, considering the characteristics of a particular patient, mental state, and age. Our specialists direct all their knowledge and efforts to provide qualified assistance to every patient suffering from neuropathic pain.