Range of services



Range of services

At Kliniken Schmieder Gailingen, patients are treated from phase NRP-I to phase NRP-M.

Phases NRP-S, NRP-M:
The Kliniken Schmieder Gailingen offers the entire range of neurological rehabilitation (except for early rehabilitation and phase NRP-I). Indications for rehabilitation include, for example, strokes, head injuries, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, extrapyramidal diseases, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, epilepsy, diseases of the spinal cord, diseases of the discs, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, neurological pain syndromes.

The hospital is divided into two departments: Neurorehabilitation and Psychotherapeutic Neurology. The latter is the only department of this sort in Germany. The focus is on psychotherapeutic and psychosomatic diseases and the consequences of neurological diseases. Particular emphasis is placed on pain therapy and dissociative disorders.

As a special offer within the framework of psychotherapeutic neurology, activities for complex psychotherapeutic-neurological occupational therapy are offered.

  • Phase NRP-M
      • Early mobilization
      • Post-primary rehabilitation of patients with severe brain injury
      • Aftercare
      • General neurological rehabilitation
      • Psychotherapeutic neurology
    • The second phase of medical/professional rehabilitation
    • Exercise Tests / Occupational Therapy
  • Geriatric rehabilitation (after neurological diseases, e.g., stroke, and orthopedic, e.g., hip fracture, joint damage)

Diagnostic equipment

  • Neurophysiology [EEG; Neurography/electromyography, evoked potentials (VEP, SEP, AEP), magnetic stimulation, event correlated potentials]
  • Neurosonology (CW doppler, TCD, extra/transcranial color duplex sonography
  • Laboratory (clinical chemistry, blood test, coagulation, anticonvulsant monitoring, CSF analysis)
  • Clinical physiology with ECG, long-term ECG / -RR, ergometry, abdominal ultrasound, echocardiography
  • Bronchoscopy and video endoscopic swallowing studies
  • Diagnostics of physical functional limitations
  • Neuropsychological diagnostics
  • Psychopathological and psychodynamic diagnostics
  • Diagnostics of speech, speech, and swallowing disorders
  • Stress testing and occupational therapy in ergonomically equipped workplaces in offices/administration, EDP (IT professions, CAD), electrical work, metalworking, woodworking, care, and housekeeping.
  • Imaging (3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging: including MRI angiography, diffusion, perfusion, functional MRI, and computed tomography) and neurosomnology in collaboration with Kliniken Schmieder Allensbach

Treatment spectrum

  • Medication re-evaluation in cases of spasticity, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy
  • Botulinum toxin treatment (also outpatient)
  • Physical Therapy: Daily Therapy, Gait Training, Treadmill, Therapeutic Training Therapy, Aquatic Therapy, Daily Group Therapy, Manual Therapy, Supply of Orthopedic Aids, Treatment of Contractures, Serial Casting, Electrical Stimulation, Movement Trainer, Standing Trainer, Automated Gait Training with Lokohelp, feedback based therapy (balancing, physical baths, massages, electrotherapy, lymphatic drainage)
  • Occupational Therapy: Daily and Action-Oriented Therapy, Daily Group Therapy, Self-help Education, Functional Therapy, Daily Cognitive Therapy, Saebo Concept, Mirror Therapy, CIMT Therapy, Device-Based Therapy, Functional Electrotherapy, Home Care Training, Aids, Occupational Therapy, Gardening therapy
  • Neuropsychological diagnostics and therapy (individually and in groups), neuropsychological treatment with the help of PC, psychotherapeutic discussions (individually and in groups), psychological counseling of patients and relatives, relaxation procedures
  • Psychotherapy: relaxation training, help to endure the disease, conversations with relatives.
  • Speech therapy: treatment of aphasia and dysarthria (individually and in groups), treatment of chewing and swallowing disorders, FOT
  • Therapeutic exercise: massage, therapeutic baths, lymphatic drainage, electrotherapy, thermal applications.
  • Social Counseling Service
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle, diet advice
  • Recreation and wellness therapy

Specialized medical services

  • Neurology
  • Psychotherapeutic neurology
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychotherapy
  • Internal medicine
  • Geriatrics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Social therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Occupational medicine

Regional partners
There is intensive cooperation with the Hegau-Bodensee-Klinikum in Singen in the field of care for acute neurological patients. The Medical Director of the Department of Acute Neurology in Allensbach is also the Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology at the Hegau-Bodensee-Klinikum Singen.

Another collaboration exists in the field of geriatric care with the Hegau-Bodensee-Klinikum in Singen (according to the Baden-Württemberg geriatric care concept).

In the area of ​​psychiatric and psychotherapeutic continuing education and training, a successful collaboration has been established between the Department of Psychology at the University of Konstanz (Dr. Hans Watzl), the Center for Psychiatry Reichenau (Dr. med. Klaus Hoffmann), the Cantonal Psychiatric Hospital Schaffhausen (Dr. Patricia Strahl), and psychotherapeutic neurology (Dr. Roger Schmidt ) from Kliniken Schmieder.

WKR (Psychotherapeutic Medicine Training Group and psychotherapy Konstanz/Reichenau, general manager – Prof. Dr. Klaus Schonauer) also includes the Department of Internal Medicine of the Konstanz Clinic and members of the WPK (Psychotherapy Training Group Konstanz, general manager – Dr. Wolfgang Walz).