Everyone has experienced pain at least once in their life. Pain is a protective reaction of the body in response to the action of stimuli and delivers very unpleasant physical and emotional sensations. Pain is a sign of various pathological conditions that differ in intensity, duration, and development causes. That is why pain syndrome treatment should be individualized for each patient.
Chronic pain lasts for four to six months, does not have a specific localization, and acquires the status of an independent disease since it is not always possible to determine the etiological factor.
Unpleasant sensations can occur in the presence of malignant tumors, inflammatory lesions of the connective tissue, intervertebral hernia, and other long-term pathologies.
Often, chronic pain syndrome is accompanied by insomnia, increased fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, taste disturbance, decreased libido, and digestive disorders. Constantly disturbing pains significantly worsen the quality of a person’s life and lead to the development of a depressive state and anxiety. A person cannot perform his daily duties, particularly professional ones. Treatment with analgesics is ineffective.
To get rid of unpleasant sensations, first of all, you need to determine the root cause of this condition, and for this, you will need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.
Klinken Schmieder is equipped with modern equipment that helps to identify the cause of chronic pain with 100% accuracy and develop the most effective therapy.
Chronic pain can occur against the background of a wide variety of pathologies. The presence of unpleasant and painful sensations may indicate the presence of inflammatory reactions in the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity, diseases of the genitourinary system, oncological processes, local infection (tuberculosis, prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, lung abscess, and others).
Chronic pain can result from disruption of the central nervous system, with psycho-emotional disorders. If we talk about the most common and common causes of chronic pain, they include:
Often, a disturbing pain syndrome leads to the development of depressive states, a feeling of hopelessness, a deterioration in attention, and a deterioration in the general condition.
The tactics of chronic pain therapy are determined individually for each patient, depending on etiological factors. For pain relief, a systematic and integrated approach is used, including:
Rehabilitation for chronic pain syndrome at Klinken Schmieder includes the use of classical and innovative methods that contribute to the complete elimination of discomfort and the restoration of both the physical and mental health of a person.
Thanks to the multidisciplinary principle of work of such specialists as rehabilitators, psychologists, psychotherapists, ergo therapists, and kinesiotherapy, it is possible to guard patients against unpleasant and painful sensations completely.
The rehabilitation program is developed separately for each patient, considering the cause of pain, concomitant diseases, age, and other characteristics. The most popular and effective methods of rehabilitation include:
Various rehabilitation methods used in Klinken Schmieder require a lot of patience and work from the patient. Our specialists direct all their efforts to normalize the patient’s condition, eliminate etiological factors and return the person to their usual way of life as soon as possible, without pain and discomfort.