Stronger together
Insurance and assistance companies
The need for neurological rehabilitation often arises from a sudden event such as a stroke or accident. In such situations, the end of inpatient treatment usually does not mean the end of the patient’s treatment; on the contrary, it is often only the beginning. Speech or swallowing disorders, dizziness, loss of sensation, or effects on motor functions are symptoms that patients experience that prevent them from returning, for example, to work or their everyday lifestyle. Eliminating these symptoms and enabling patients to recover is the task of neurological rehabilitation. Finding a capable rehabilitation center is not easy; it requires an understanding of the market and includes medical but financial and organizational aspects. When time is of the essence, finding a healthcare provider and arranging appointments burden patients, their families, and their insurer. The international department of Kliniken Schmieder is always ready to help! We offer the necessary, efficient, and professional support for the cases we receive. For international insurance and assistance companies or TPAs, the international office is a single point of contact, which, among other things, performs the following tasks:
- Handling inquiries from first contact to billing
- We are establishing contact between medical experts from both sides.
- Fast response time and professional handling of cases
- Ancillary services such as visas, translation, and transportation services.
- Dealing with financial aspects, such as prepayment
Companies that partner with Kliniken Schmieder receive additional benefits and thus save more time and resources.
- We accept letters of cost guarantee.
- We provide detailed information about experts, clinics, various services, etc.
- And much more.
If you would like to expand your network and learn more about Kliniken Schmieder, please get in touch with us at the email address below.