Expansion of the treatment spectrum of Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation

According to recent studies, four out of five people hospitalised for COVID-19 infection develop neurological sequelae. Even if the viral illness is mild, impairments often occur after six months. Symptoms include motor and cognitive function losses, nerve and muscle pain, and smell and taste disorders.

Kliniken Schmieder have started offering a specialised Post-COVID-19 rehabilitation programme. The consequential damages of the infection can be very different, which is why the rehabilitation treatment is individually tailored to the patient. The treatment is carried out by an interdisciplinary team consisting of highly qualified doctors and nursing staff, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, speech therapy and neuropsychology, with the aim of improving the patient’s overall physical and psychological condition.

You can find more information about the Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Programme here.

If you want to know how other patients experienced our programme, take a look at the patients report on the COVID-19 Programme at Kliniken Schmieder.